19 January 2021
Training and competence within the construction sector and related industries have been brought into sharp focus in the wake of Dame Judith Hackitt’s Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety conducted in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower tragedy. What do the desired outcomes look like for the security and fire systems markets? Trevor Jenks outlines the detail
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19 January 2021
Recently, Security Matters’ Editor Brian Sims interviewed Mark Rees, managing director of UK-based security camera manufacturer 360 Vision Technology, about how the company has coped with the issues raised by COVID-19 and also the future of video surveillance, wherein the ongoing use of mobile and rapid deployment public space CCTV plus the increasing role played by specialist consultants are part of the mix
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18 January 2021
Evidence suggests that more and more organisations are now moving their surveillance systems into the cloud. With this ‘Cloud CCTV’ boom in mind, Frank Crouwel takes a closer look at why this is happening and offers some timely guidance for security professionals such that they can make sure cloud migration plans are adequately thought through ahead of implementation
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14 January 2021
HANWHA TECHWIN has detailed what the surveillance solutions manufacturer believes will be the Top 5 key trends for the video surveillance industry during 2021. Those trends cover Artificial Intelligence edge-based solutions, open platform, the cloud, cyber security and finally data protection and privacy issues.
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14 January 2021
WHEN THE COVID-19 pandemic took hold in March last year, few industry commentators would have predicted the enormous impact it has since exerted right across the world and, indeed, every vertical sector. With that as the backdrop, Johan Paulsson examines the trends that we can now expect to see developing across the physical security sector during 2021.
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08 January 2021
ULTRA-HIGH resolution, multi-directional, 360⁰ or PTZ? With system designers now having so many options to choose from when it comes to specifying the most appropriate surveillance cameras for monitoring large areas, Uri Guterman provides a helpful and timely overview of the merits of some of the most suitable camera formats.
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19 November 2020
WITH 20-PLUS years of events sector experience to date, Rachael Shattock was appointed Group event director at the Nineteen Group (with responsibility for International Security Expo, International Cyber Expo and International Disaster Response) in early 2020. Here, in conversation with Security Matters, Rachael focuses on the necessary pivot to all three events running under one banner in the online domain.
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05 February 2021
Surveillance Camera Commissioner Tony Porter is due to finish his Commission in the early part of December having been appointed back in March 2014 to work alongside the Home Office. In an exclusive article for Security Matters, he reflects on the positive impact of his role, while also examining why he firmly believes the time for change in the sector is now
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10 September 2020
FACIAL RECOGNITION appears to be in the spotlight again as a growing number of States in America seek to ban police use of the technology due to public fears that it may lead to racial or gender bias. In truth, the technology offers greater accuracy than CCTV systems to help police officers quickly identify crime suspects and keep the public safe, as Adrian Timberlake explains in detail.
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04 August 2020
The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ in the professional security domain is controversial and views on it are polarised. Some hardware manufacturers dismiss it as a technology for the back office or deny its potential altogether. On the other hand, the cutting-edge developers are creating better and faster ways of helping humans to solve security risk problems using the maximum technology innovations. Pauline Norstrom offers some thought-provoking comment on this hugely topical subject
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03 August 2020
Biometrics and facial recognition have played their part in the control of the Coronavirus and, because of this, the general public’s view of these new and incredibly powerful tools is changing both rapidly and for the better. Stuart Greenfield delves into the detail
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03 August 2020
The value of video surveillance is unquestionable, but those professional deploying it must ensure this process is transacted correctly. Specifically, the deployment of surveillance tools should be Proportionate, Legal, Accountable, Necessary and Transparent. Kenny Long observes why the PLANT methodology is so important in today’s law enforcement spectrum
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30 July 2020
A POWERFUL new general purpose Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has emerged from the computer science community. GPT 3.0 contains over 100 times more learning reference points than its predecessor, writes Pauline Norstrom, resulting in a quantum leap in capability.
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03 July 2020
MANY BUSINESSES have been able to make the transition from on-site to remote working, but the time will come when the focus is back on the office environment. Alistair Enser outlines why security companies need to help their customers address the changes in their risk profiles and assist them to navigate the potential shift from cyber security threats to civil disturbance, for example, and from commercial theft to on-premises abuse or even violence.
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05 August 2020
FOCUSING ON minimising the cyber security threat posed to today’s IP network cameras, Uri Guterman and Elaine Moran have produced a jargon-busting explanation of video surveillance cyber security terminology, at the same time issuing a timely reminder that combating the activities of hackers needs to remain a top priority for businesses.
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16 June 2020
PARTICIPATING IN a mentoring relationship can be greatly beneficial for an individual’s professional development, whether that be as a mentor or mentee. There’s a good deal to be gained from having a trusted mentor at all stages of the professional journey. Equally so, mentors can also grow and learn through a mentoring relationship. Here, in this exclusive thought leadership article for Security Matters, Angela Vernon-Lawson examines her own mentoring journey involving The Security Institute.
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08 June 2020
WHAT IF the CFO of a fire and security business was given the opportunity of turning a potential bad debt write-off into positive cashflow? Andrew Birkwood examines why, of late, businesses have been obliged to look in detail at their most important asset and understand the critical importance of cashflow.
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03 June 2020
THE BRITISH Security Industry Association has been working tirelessly behind the scenes in a determined bid to underpin and embolden the private security industry in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Among other things, that work has involved lobbying Government in a bid to see security personnel recognised for what they are (and always have been): key workers. Mike Reddington offers a progress update.
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03 June 2020
FABLIHA CHOWDHURY presents the key takeaways from a recent panel discussion in which representatives from Starbucks and Uber, as well as a former representative of Barclays, shared their personal take on embracing a cloud-first approach towards security and operations.
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01 June 2020
URI GUTERMAN explains in some detail why he firmly believes that, by harnessing the power of deep learning video analytics, businesses and organisations of all types and sizes will have a powerful tool at their fingertips to help them remain one step ahead of would-be intruders.
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