19 November 2020
WITH 20-PLUS years of events sector experience to date, Rachael Shattock was appointed Group event director at the Nineteen Group (with responsibility for International Security Expo, International Cyber Expo and International Disaster Response) in early 2020. Here, in conversation with Security Matters, Rachael focuses on the necessary pivot to all three events running under one banner in the online domain.
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08 June 2020
WHAT IF the CFO of a fire and security business was given the opportunity of turning a potential bad debt write-off into positive cashflow? Andrew Birkwood examines why, of late, businesses have been obliged to look in detail at their most important asset and understand the critical importance of cashflow.
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03 June 2020
THE BRITISH Security Industry Association has been working tirelessly behind the scenes in a determined bid to underpin and embolden the private security industry in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Among other things, that work has involved lobbying Government in a bid to see security personnel recognised for what they are (and always have been): key workers. Mike Reddington offers a progress update.
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18 May 2020
MUCH HAS been written about the current increase in home working as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While remote working simply isn't an option for many companies and their myriad employees, for others business is at least continuing even though it's not a case of 'business as usual'. Here, Mike Hurst examines the impact of home working on the security profession.
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05 May 2020
OVER THE past month or so, it has become very clear indeed that the impact of a global pandemic was something most organisations and industries were unprepared to manage. That, of course, is the very nature of emergencies. They often catch us unaware and unsure of how to respond. As Marc Whalen points out, a safe organisation effectively resolves incidents, but the smart organisations avoid them.
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16 April 2020
IN THESE extremely troubling times it has been truly inspirational to witness the efforts of organisations throughout the construction and security sectors in building the NHS Nightingale Hospital at London's ExCeL. As an integral part of this massive collaborative project, Wilson James has been using its extensive security and logistics expertise to help create a facility that will treat those seriously ill with Coronavirus. Security Matters reports.
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09 April 2020
Aleksandr Konotopskyi discusses the challenges of false security alarms and why he believes photo alarm verification offers the best solution
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09 April 2020
Damien Corbet discusses perimeter protection – what it entails and the latest technologies available
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12 March 2019
The Security Event is “designed by the industry for the industry.” That is a great marketing cry but what is the substance behind it? Philip Ingram MBE caught up with some of the founding partners of The Security Event to see if they believed that cry and to discuss some of the issues affecting them.
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26 February 2019
Building automation and smart home technology have long been in demand, and intruder alarm systems are being increasingly used to meet this market need. Clym Brown looks at how new intruder alarm digital services are transforming the way intruder alarm installation companies can add more value to their customers.
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17 December 2018
FSM shares the top 10 reasons why you need to visit The Security Event in 2019.
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14 December 2018
FSM's publisher Western Business Exhibitions has recently been acquired by Nineteen Group, which is the organiser of the renowned International Security Expo. FSM managing editor Mark Sennett speaks to chief executive Peter Jones about how the portfolio has been enhanced.
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18 September 2018
Clym Brown reveals how modern connective technology has put intruder panel manufacturers in a great position to develop new opportunities for installers.
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14 September 2018
Phil Cain provides a key update on the provision of special services that work using BT’s phone network, such as fire alarms, security alarms or telecare pendants.
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27 June 2018
The Mythical silver bullet is something which every business owner and security adviser are constantly in search of as a single weapon which will solve all of retail crime, says Lee Wallace.
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14 May 2018
Remote control of intruder alarm systems and CCTV from smartphones is making the purchase of a security system a lot less of a grudge purchase, according to Dave Roscoe
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13 March 2018
Company warehouses are often the target for both opportunistic and organised crime Brendan Musgrove explains how an agile approach to the security of these premises is key.
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13 March 2018
John Ware describes how digital networks are enabling security alarm signalling to be more reliable than ever
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11 November 2017
Clym Brown explores new research that highlights how smart building technology can add value to residential intruder alarm systems and defeat the ‘grudge purchase’.
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17 May 2017
New security solutions are changing the way customers use technology to help them manage busy lives, according to Ken Bickers.
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