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17 February 2021

RESPONDING TO customer requests for an accurate and reliable elevated body temperature screening solution, UK CCTV manufacturer 360 Vision Technology has released Celsius. A non-contact temperature monitoring solution for stand-alone applications or integration with access control or VMS, the ONVIF-compliant Celsius uses proven thermal technology to deliver its highly accurate, high speed, elevated body temperature screening.

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21 January 2021

INTEGRATED SECURITY solutions manufacturer TDSi has announced a raft of new features for its popular GARDiS range of integrated software and hardware security systems. Additional features for 2021 include integration options for Lift Control, Area Occupancy and ANPR, all of which are designed to assist with not only security, but also the ongoing health and social distancing requirements necessarily impose by the Government.

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21 January 2021

WITH THE latest release of its Synergy software platform, Synectics is enabling organisations to monitor and manage increasing volumes of critical real-time data across their surveillance and security networks.

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21 January 2021

INTERNATIONAL LONE worker security and safety business SoloProtect is updating its lone worker offer and launching a range of new tiered solutions. The revamped solution packages afford deploying organisations an enhanced toolkit for consistent safety behaviour and, importantly, a data-driven approach towards lone worker management.

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05 January 2021

WLS HAS been able to demonstrate the full extent of its product knowledge and technical expertise by providing The Hudson office building in London with a comprehensive range of electronic safety and security systems including access control, CCTV, fire and intruder detection and disabled refuge alarms, as well as an intercom solution and an integrated reception system.

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04 December 2020

DIGITAL BARRIERS, the provider of edge-intelligent surveillance and security technologies, has announced the release of a combined, real-time face mask detection and people counting solution dubbed Mask Detection and Xtras 2.0.

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25 January 2021

360 VISION Technology, the UK manufacturer of rugged PTZ and thermal imaging cameras, has reported a “substantial increase” in demand for its Predator Radar ‘all-in-one’ detection solution.

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12 November 2020

THE INTEGRATION developed between Vanderbilt’s ACT Enterprise access control software platform and Hanwha Techwin’s Wisenet WAVE VMS means that operators are now able to instantly visually verify access control activity and events directly from the former.

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25 January 2021

SECURE CONNECTIVITY provider CSL has announced the detail of a new partnership with OPTEX, the manufacturer of high-performance sensing technologies.

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29 October 2020

RISK MANAGEMENT company The SmartWater Group has teamed up with Vantage England and Wales to help protect the latter’s agricultural customers from rural crime. As a result of the partnership, SmartWater Technology – itself a division of The SmartWater Group – will supply forensic marking liquid for Vantage’s Trimble agricultural portfolio, including advanced navigation and machine control systems designed specifically for farming use.

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01 October 2020

DYCON POWER Solutions has just issued its IP65-W Series, an extensive range of weatherproofed power supply solutions for the security, fire and building management systems markets.

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30 October 2020

HID GLOBAL’S ELEMENT product line is badged as “the industry’s first heavy-duty, fully modular desktop-based card personalisation portfolio” that establishes a new category for mid-range and high-volume market segments.

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01 October 2020

UNDERLINING THE business’ commitment and implementation of the highest standards of cyber security protection, barox Kommunikation AG (the manufacturer of professional video switches, media converters and IP extenders specifically designed for video applications) has confirmed that its RY-28 Series Managed Ethernet switch range devices can be configured to protect security networks and third party devices (such as cameras and servers) from Ripple20 cyber attacks.

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01 October 2020

METAL RECYCLING concern EMR has recently deployed security and surveillance technologies from Axis Communications to safeguard one of its UK sites and, in tandem, work towards meeting its sustainability goals.

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01 October 2020

VEMOTION INTERACTIVE – the UK supplier of high-performance wireless video streaming solutions for systems integrators and OEM solutions providers – has updated its range of advanced video software and hardware encoders to include a new and enhanced Vemotion Streaming Protocol (VSP).

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30 October 2020

ONVIF, THE global standardisation initiative for IP-based physical security products, has introduced the Release Candidate for Profile M. This draft specification standardises the communication of metadata and event handling of analytics for smart applications.

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12 September 2020

LISTENTECH’S LISTENIR range of infrared hearing technology is now available from SigNET. Ideal for classrooms, performing arts studios, courtrooms, places of worship or anywhere where amplified audio needs to be private, the range includes lightweight IR transmitters and radiators, receivers and accessories, all designed to offer an exceptional end-to-end assistive listening experience in areas where strict privacy, zero overspill and effective ‘line of sight’ coverage is a must.

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16 July 2020

EVERBRIDGE CONTROL Center, which is integrated into the company’s Critical Event Management platform, enables organisations to aggregate multiple sources of data, including from the Internet of Things, to ensure broader and more immediate protection of employees from exposure to Coronavirus.

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16 July 2020

SURVEILLANCE SOLUTIONS developer IDIS is now collaborating with systems integrators right across Europe in a determined bid to identify and secure video projects in post-COVID growth sectors, among them hyperscale and co-location Data Centres, residential construction, logistics and healthcare.

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16 July 2020

ACCESS CONTROL, security and building systems integration software vendor Quanika has joined the Axis Communications’ Application Development Partner Programme. This will make it easier for consultants and systems integrators alike to use Axis Communications’ network video, access control and audio hardware solutions on projects of all sizes as part of a seamless security management platform.

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21 January 2021

In place of attempting to review a year that – in view of COVID-19 and its widespread negative impact across the globe – everyone is glad to see fade into the distance, Alistair Enser takes the opportunity to assess the current state of play in the security business sector and consider what its constituent practitioners and organisations can and must do to help out in 2021

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19 January 2021

Training and competence within the construction sector and related industries have been brought into sharp focus in the wake of Dame Judith Hackitt’s Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety conducted in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower tragedy. What do the desired outcomes look like for the security and fire systems markets? Trevor Jenks outlines the detail

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19 November 2020

WITH 20-PLUS years of events sector experience to date, Rachael Shattock was appointed Group event director at the Nineteen Group (with responsibility for International Security Expo, International Cyber Expo and International Disaster Response) in early 2020. Here, in conversation with Security Matters, Rachael focuses on the necessary pivot to all three events running under one banner in the online domain.

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28 September 2020

IN LIGHT of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the impact that the Coronavirus has exerted all over the globe, now more so than ever the financial services sector must focus its attentions on operational resilience and risk management. Here, Rich Cooper outlines the key reasons why.

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10 September 2020

INNOVATION IS hastening the ever-closer digital interaction of security and brand protection holographic devices. As Dr Paul Dunn explains, developments in materials and advanced processes, together with a desire to seek out new applications, ensure that commercial holography continues to feature in the front line fight against counterfeiting, identity theft and brand piracy.

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02 July 2020

THE COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruption to supply chains across the world and, indeed, served to reveal the fragility of the modern supply chain, as well as the importance of resilience planning and recovery in supply chain management. David Halford offers his views on planning for disruption and protecting the supply chain.

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02 July 2020

THE TERM Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the professional security domain is controversial and views on it are polarised. Some hardware manufacturers dismiss it as a technology for the back office or deny its potential altogether. On the other hand, the cutting-edge developers are creating better and faster ways of helping humans to solve security risk problems using the maximum technology innovations. Pauline Norstrom offers some thought-provoking comment on this hugely topical subject.

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16 June 2020

AS THINGS slowly begin to normalise, while we have to keep one eye on the output of the pandemic and the associated changes, we also have a responsibility to ourselves and our organisations to not forget general good business practice and leadership. Here, Alistair Enser looks at some immediate goals for today’s companies operating in the security business sector.

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16 June 2020

PARTICIPATING IN a mentoring relationship can be greatly beneficial for an individual’s professional development, whether that be as a mentor or mentee. There’s a good deal to be gained from having a trusted mentor at all stages of the professional journey. Equally so, mentors can also grow and learn through a mentoring relationship. Here, in this exclusive thought leadership article for Security Matters, Angela Vernon-Lawson examines her own mentoring journey involving The Security Institute.

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05 June 2020

WITH LOCKDOWN now gradually being eased, organisations across many sectors are seeking ways in which to keep building occupants safe and avoid the spread of COVID-19. Here, Andy Schofield expresses his concern about the “misinformation” surrounding the use of thermal detection cameras as a way of identifying those individuals harbouring the Coronavirus.

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08 June 2020

WHAT IF the CFO of a fire and security business was given the opportunity of turning a potential bad debt write-off into positive cashflow? Andrew Birkwood examines why, of late, businesses have been obliged to look in detail at their most important asset and understand the critical importance of cashflow.

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03 June 2020

FABLIHA CHOWDHURY presents the key takeaways from a recent panel discussion in which representatives from Starbucks and Uber, as well as a former representative of Barclays, shared their personal take on embracing a cloud-first approach towards security and operations.

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29 May 2020

BARELY ANY day goes by without Artificial Intelligence (AI) and video surveillance being front and centre in the public spotlight due to concerns about ethics and privacy. Even more so now given the rapid development of highly beneficial applications designed for safety in light of COVID-19. Pauline Norstrom explains why it has never been more important for stakeholders to remain properly informed about this ever-evolving set of technologies.

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18 May 2020

MUCH HAS been written about the current increase in home working as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While remote working simply isn't an option for many companies and their myriad employees, for others business is at least continuing even though it's not a case of 'business as usual'. Here, Mike Hurst examines the impact of home working on the security profession.

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15 May 2020

THE RECENT theft of Van Gogh's Spring Garden painting (which dates back to 1884) from a Dutch museum in the town of Laren serves as a timely reminder that the robbery of such artefacts with a view to their subsequent trade on the black market remains a prolific form of criminality. Here, Peter Houlis outlines the various ways in which security management policy and today's security systems can assist in the protection of priceless works of art.

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05 May 2020

OVER THE past month or so, it has become very clear indeed that the impact of a global pandemic was something most organisations and industries were unprepared to manage. That, of course, is the very nature of emergencies. They often catch us unaware and unsure of how to respond. As Marc Whalen points out, a safe organisation effectively resolves incidents, but the smart organisations avoid them.

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29 April 2020

DESPITE THE rising prevalence of data breaches, awareness of the needs of tighter security when installing and using a video management system is yet to catch up. Complacency is the enemy, suggests Neil Killick, with even the most basic of security errors potentially placing such systems at risk.

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24 April 2020

SECURITY TEAMS at UK universities are playing a key role in the battle against COVID-19, dealing with fast-changing risks on a daily basis and, in parallel, planning for strategic challenges in the longer term. Some heads of security are already focusing their attentions on the next big question facing their institutions: how they’ll recover and rebuild after the lockdown. Security Matters reports on current thinking.

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14 April 2020

IT'S NO secret that today’s fast-paced world is driving the demand for ‘always-on’ services among businesses and consumers alike. However, in addition to being ‘always-on’ and keeping things running in the present, businesses of all sizes must be prepared for unexpected future disruption. Mark Wass examines the importance of business continuity planning for SMEs.

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14 April 2020

WHAT HAVE risk managers learned so far from the COVID-19 global pandemic? As Bob Sibik rightly observes, the most successful organisations will be those that conduct post-incident reviews, identify issues and strive to ensure remediation occurs.

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