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First blue light tri-service hub

11 June 2019

WORK HAS officially started on a new blue-light tri-service hub in Hucknall which will be shared by Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, Nottinghamshire Police and East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) – the first of its kind in Nottinghamshire.

The hub, which will be based at EMAS’s existing ambulance station site in Annesley Road, will enable the three emergency services to work closer together and provide an even more efficient and effective service to the public.

Building works began last month and are anticipated to be completed next year.

The project involves two extensions being constructed at the site to be used by the police and fire services.

Ian Pritchard, Assistant Chief Officer at Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, said: “Having all three emergency services in one building is an exciting step in our collaboration journey and one which will benefit the community.

“This will allow us to jointly make a saving on our estates budget, help us to develop the service we provide and be at the heart of the community

“It creates an opportunity for us to work closely with our blue light partners. Sharing knowledge and best practice will ensure we all continue to provide a high-quality service to the public.”