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Fire Sector Federation joins NFCC's dedicated PPE and Clothing Committee

26 October 2020

THE FIRE Sector Federation has appointed Suzanne Prince of W. L. Gore & Associates to represent members on the National Fire Chiefs Council’s (NFCC) PPE and Clothing Committee.

The NFCC’s PPE and Clothing Committee aims to develop a national framework for PPE and standardise clothing as well as PPE requirements for Fire and Rescue Services with a view towards aggregating buying power, improving efficiencies of scale and driving greater competition from suppliers, while in parallel reviewing standards and ensuring the delivery of clothing that’s operationally fit for purpose.

Michael Harper, chair of the Fire Sector Federation, said: “We’re delighted that the NFCC has extended an invitation to the Federation to join the PPE and Clothing Committee. We have a significant pool of insight and knowledge on clothing and PPE within our membership. Suzanne will now work closely with all members to co-ordinate the Federation’s input and support the NFCC’s ongoing work.”

Prince, UK fire associate at W. L. Gore & Associates, observed: “I look forward to working with the NFCC and my colleagues in the Fire Sector Federation to support the development of optimum future clothing solutions for Fire and Rescue Services across the country.”

Alongside this latest partner activity, the Federation has become a formal stakeholder on the NFCC’s Community Risk Programme and is currently working on a joint initiative to develop an innovative ‘service industry’-style approach towards rethinking future solutions for meeting protection challenges.

As an organisation, the Fire Sector Federation seeks to give voice to – and exert an influence on – the shaping of future policy and strategy related to the UK’s fire sector. The Federation is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation that was established to act as a forum for the benefit of its membership and to evolve as a central source of information on all aspects relating to fire safety.