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The Security Institute outlines digital plans for 2020 Annual Conference

23 September 2020

THE SECURITY Institute’s Annual Conference has been a long-standing highlight of the industry’s calendar for many years now. In 2020, due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, the event will necessarily be presented in a virtual format that can be attended free of charge. CPD points are available.

Further, the conference has been to cover an entire week commencing on Monday 19 October, with two presentations being delivered daily at 10.00 am and 3.00 pm. The virtual conference space will open at 9.00 am on each day of conference, with delegates able to peruse the virtual Exhibition Hall and explore what systems and solutions are on offer from some of the industry’s leading providers.

Delegates can then ‘take their seat’ in the virtual Conference Centre for the 10.00 am sessions, all of which will be followed by an afternoon break and the chance for further browsing opportunities within the Exhibition Hall before the 3.00 pm sessions begin.

Speaking about this year’s Annual Conference, The Security Institute’s CEO Rick Mounfield CSyP FSyI (pictured, right) stated: “Although the circumstances for this year’s Annual Conference may be different, I’m excited to present the same high-quality opportunities for professional development as ever with a line-up of industry-leading speakers from across the globe that we’ll be announcing in the coming weeks.”

Institute members and non-members are free to book their places and then pick and choose which of the sessions they wish to attend. Visit https://event.bookitbee.com/29419/19th-23rd-oct-syi-virtual-annual-conference-2020-t for more details.

Bookings will close on Thursday 15 October at noon. 

The Science of Security

Following on from the highly successful 2019 event which ran under the banner of ‘People-Centred Security’, this year’s theme centres on the ‘Science of Security’ with a range of expert speakers that represent the diversity to be found across the security sector.

Science sits behind the majority of security practices and capabilities, some more obviously so than others. The Annual Conference’s virtual sessions will highlight and explore some of the benefits science brings to individuals’ ability to protect, influence and develop as security professionals.

Speakers will present on topics that consider the importance of science in all aspects of security through engineering, psychology, technology, human factors, the impact of connectivity by dint of the Internet of Things, forensic sciences and the impact of space exploration.

This broad range of topics presents a fantastic learning opportunity for security professionals, and indeed others with a keen interest in the sector, to learn more about future threats and mitigating theories that will enhance their knowledge and, hopefully, make them think harder and research further.

The Annual Conference is The Security Institute’s premier Continuing Professional Development (CPD) event and, as such, two formal CPD points will be awarded for every hour of learning undertaken during conference.

Agenda for 2020

Sarah Austerberry CSyP FSyI and Rick Mounfield CSyP FSyI have been announced as co-hosts for the week, both of them bringing their many years of expertise as Chartered Security Professionals to their roles.

As stated, the line-up of expert speakers will be announced in the lead-up to conference via the Institute’s social media channels. One major benefit of hosting a virtual conference is that the Institute can call on experts and industry-leading speakers from across the globe to share their insights, which ordinarily would not have been possible with a face-to-face event.