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LFB signs high voltage agreement with UK Power Networks

12 October 2021

THE LONDON Fire Brigade has signed up to a new agreement designed to keep emergency firefighting crews and members of the public safe when they’re near high voltage electrical equipment.

Electricity company UK Power Networks has created a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which sets out procedures and responsibilities in the event of an incident involving electricity to ensure safe working areas.

UK Power Networks, which distribute electricity across London, the South East and the East of England, will work with the capital’s Fire and Rescue Service to quickly make safe any electrical equipment which would pose a hazard such that Emergency Services-related work can be carried out without delay. An MoU has now been agreed with every regional Fire and Rescue Service in the communities served by the power company.

Peter Vujanic, head of Health and Safety at UK Power Networks, explained: “Working safely and maintaining the safety of the general public and the people who help them such as members of the Emergency Services is our top priority. This Memorandum of Understanding defines protocols which will ensure any incidents involving electricity and fire are dealt with in an effective manner, in turn providing a safe working area for firefighters.”

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson stated: “We’re pleased to work with UK Power Networks on enabling a safer approach to incidents involving its infrastructure. This will make staff attending such incidents from both organisations safer and also assist in restoring essential power supplies.”

NFCC Leadership Project executive

Chief Fire Officer Wayne Bowcock of the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service has been appointed as NFCC Leadership Project executive.

Bowcock takes over from previous Leadership Project executive Rebecca Bryant, who retired in September.

The Project Board now comprises the following individuals:

*Wayne Bowcock (Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service): Leadership Project executive

*Johnny Bugg (Home Office): Leadership Project executive

*Ann Millington (Kent Fire and Rescue Service): Leading on the Talent Management project

*Donna O'Connor (Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service): Leading on the Coaching and Mentoring project

*Rod Hammerton (Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service) and Dawn Whittaker (East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service): Leading on the Direct Entry project

*Chris Blacksell (Humberside Fire and Rescue Service): Leading on the Supervisory Leadership Development Programme project