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International Foundation for Protection Officers appoints UK Advisory Board

29 July 2020

IN ORDER to further develop its commitment to the UK market, the International Foundation for Protection Officers (IFPO) has appointed an Advisory Board to serve its existing UK members, promote individual and corporate membership and, most importantly, spread the word about its range of educational and certification offerings.

The International Foundation for Protection Officers is committed to the support and professional development of protection officers and supervisors. Through advocacy, the promotion of training standards and providing accessible training, education and certification opportunities, the organisation seeks to enhance the professional standing of those personnel as well as increase and diversify the value of the vital services they provide on an ongoing basis.

Operating globally, the IFPO has members in 68 countries. Over 14,000 people have achieved IFPO certificates and upwards of 92,500 have attained IFPO certification (ie Certified Protection Officer, Certified Protection Officer Instructors and Certified in Security Supervision and Management). Currently, there are individuals in 56 countries studying for recognised IFPO qualifications.

The organisation’s Advisory Board for the UK is led by Mike Hurst CPP MSyI, whose previous pro bono volunteer experience includes ten years as co-vice chair of the ASIS International UK Chapter and six years as a main Board director of The Security Institute. Hurst is currently on the Board of The Security Commonwealth in the UK and also the British Standards Institution’s GW/3 Committee.

The IFPO UK Advisory Board comprises the following sector professionals:

*Jayne King FSyI ASMS PgDip (head of security and site services at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and chair of the National Association of Healthcare Security)

*Brian Sims BA (Hons) Hon FSyI (Editor, Security Matters)

*Nicholas Reed MSc MSyI ASMS (head of protective services for a large NHS Trust and a director of the National Association for Healthcare Security)

*Dr Peter Stiernstedt CPP CISM (lecturer in criminology at the University of West London)

*Jackie Walker MCIA Dip(AML) PSP CPP MSyI CSMP FISMI (experienced CSO)

*Rollo Davies MSyI MISRM (Editor, The Professional Security Officer)

*Yolanda Hamblen (account director at DS Security Operations)

There are plans to expand the Advisory Board with the addition of other key security professionals.

“The Advisory Board will play a vital role in developing IFPO UK in the months and years ahead,” explained Mike Hurst. “We were keen to have security professionals on the Board with a wide range of experiences and we hope to make a few more key appointments.”

*Further information on the work of the IFPO is available on the new UK website at www.ifpo.uk