Home>Security>Policing>Counter-terrorism policing funding increased by £24 million
Home>Security>Terrorism>Counter-terrorism policing funding increased by £24 million

Counter-terrorism policing funding increased by £24 million

19 September 2017

THE HOME Office has announced an additional £24 million for counter-terrorism policing.

The additional funding is to be pumped into counter-terrorism policing in the wake of this year’s terror attacks, home secretary Amber Rudd announced today.

The entirely new funding, which is in addition to £707 million already announced to support counter terrorism policing in 2017/18, will be used to bolster protective security measures in crowded places. This will include helping to protect the public from the specific threat of vehicles being used as weapons.

The extra funding will go to counter-terrorism police including the Metropolitan Police and Greater Manchester Police to assist with their response to the threat of terrorism and help meet costs relating to the recent terrorist attacks.

Home secretary Amber Rudd said: “We have seen several devastating terrorist attacks in quick succession this year, most recently in Parsons Green, and the police have responded to this challenge outstandingly.

“The threat we face from terrorism is becoming more complex and diverse. That is why we are reviewing our counter-terrorism strategy to ensure the authorities have the powers they need to halt terrorist activity and why, today, I have announced £24 million of additional support for counter-terrorism policing this year.

“I am grateful to the police, and security services, for all they are doing to keep us safe.”

The new funding comes in addition to the government’s commitment to increase spending on counter-terrorism by 30%, from £11.7 billion to £15.1 billion. The government has also provided £144 million over the spending review period for a national uplift in armed policing capability and funding for an additional 1,900 officers at the security and intelligence agencies.

Official figures released by the Home Office last week show the highest number of arrests for terrorism related offences in a year since data collection began in 2001.

The announcement comes just days after the Liberal Democrats used their annual party conference to call for additional funds and a fresh approach be created to combat terrorism. A Liberal Democrat spokesperson said: "We are also calling for proper funding of community policing and working with affected communities to fight against terrorism and violent extremism. In addition, cooperation with European neighbours is critical to our safety.

"Terrorists are breaking through Britain's security defences so it's time to look again urgently at what's working and what isn't.

"Conservatives just want more of the same, believing mass surveillance is key, subjecting everyone to intrusion, not just genuine suspects. Their desire to undermine encryption for our messages would actually leave us less safe: leading figures from the security services rightly argue, encryption helps to guarantee our safety.

"Coupled with their police cuts, when police can be vital sources of intelligence at the community level, the Conservatives are failing to do everything sensible to protect us."