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FSF asking for views on Approved Document B

28 July 2017

THE FIRE Sector Federation (FSF) has launched a survey to gather feedback on whether Approved Document B is fit for purpose.

Over the last few months, the FSF has been developing a survey to understand the fire and construction industries’ views about the future of Approved Document B (Fire Safety) and is now releasing that survey.

The FSF commissioned NBS Research, an independent research organisation, in March 2017, to conduct the research that is carried out in accordance with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. Along with a 12-person strong Steering Group, the FSF planned for its launch in June 2017.

Given recent events at Grenfell Tower, this research has taken on an additional importance and poignancy. The FSF says that it knows this is a sensitive time; however, it believes this survey will be used as an important and collective tool to gather specific feedback and views on the practical guidance in Approved Document B to meet the fire safety requirements of the Building Regulations in England.

The survey findings will be analysed by NBS and the FSF. It will form the basis of a submission to the Department for Communities and Local Government to help those responsible for making sure Building Regulations and Approved Document B are as effective as possible.

The survey closes in August and you can take part at http://surveys.ribaenterprises.com/wh/s.asp?k=149803907536