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Institution of Fire Engineers ramps up focus on sustainability

26 July 2022

THE INSTITUTION of Fire Engineers (IFE) has announced the appointment of a new dedicated alternative fuels co-ordinator. The organisation’s technical support manager Paul Trew is taking on the role for the global professional membership body representing those in the fire sector who continually seek to increase their knowledge, professional recognition and understanding of fire through a global discourse.

The introduction of this role comes at a crucial time with the world changing at a faster pace than ever before, driven by the challenges raised as a result of climate change and sustainability.

For its part, the adoption of alternative fuels is realising implications for the fire industry. As the international professional body for practitioners resident in the fire sector, it’s the IFE’s role to assess these changes, identify their impacts and educate the organisation’s membership accordingly.

Trew will now be responsible for developing a knowledge pool which explores alternative fuels and energy storage systems including hydrogen, electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries. This will provide IFE members with quicker access to the latest guidance and advice via technical updates, in tandem ensuring that the organisation as a whole is at the forefront of consultations for the new standards and regulations needed to keep pace with change.

Working with IFE members, volunteers and branches from around the world in addition to an array of external partners, Trew will look to create a resource to support members and the sector in understanding the impact of alternative fuels on fire safety and fire engineering.

Sustainable future

“Our world is changing and innovations are constantly being introduced as we strive for a more sustainable future,” asserted Trew in conversation with Fire Safety Matters. “New investments in hydrogen infrastructure, renewable energy and other green technologies bring new risks. The IFE is committed to working with its members and other partners in order to help raise standards and ensure continued safety.”

Trew continued: “With a dedicated resource in place to focus on alternative fuels, the IFE will provide a flow of knowledge which is critical to our sector and, in turn, will enable members to advance their knowledge, improve their competence and raise standards right across the industry.”

*Those involved in any work or research relating to alternative fuels and fire safety who would like to learn more about this IFE initiative should contact Paul Trew via e-mail at technical@ife.org.uk

**Information concerning IFE membership and how the organisation is driving advantages for its members is available online at www.ife.org.uk/Membership-and-Registration

***For many years, the IFE has led the way in enabling fire professionals to become rigorously assessed through a well-established and dynamic system of internationally recognised membership grades and fire-related qualifications. The IFE delivers more than 6,000 examinations on an annual basis. Managed for fire professionals by fire professionals, the IFE aims to promote, encourage and improve the science, practice and professionalism of fire engineering by always acting as a beacon of established expertise. Visit the IFE website at www.ife.org.uk