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Designing out crime can change lives

28 February 2019

THE LATEST police techniques to reduce crime and keep local communities safe will be presented at the ‘Designing Out Crime Zone’, which is part of The Security Event at the NEC, Birmingham on 9-11 April 2019.

The crime zone is being supported by Secured by Design (SBD), the national police crime prevention initiative, which has undertaken pioneering work to raise security standards with the construction industry and with the Government to embed designing out crime into the planning process.

SBD trained Designing Out Crime Officers, who are based in police forces around the country, work with architects, developers and local authority planners to design out crime at the planning stage.

This work involves including physical security into buildings, such as robust doors, windows and locks as well as crime prevention techniques into the surrounding layout and landscaping, such as lots of natural surveillance and limiting excessive through movement so visitors can be seen and potential hiding places avoided.

More than one million homes have been built to police crime prevention standards – that’s approximately one-third of all new homes since SBD was launched in 1989 with reductions in crime of up to 87% - helping hard-pressed police forces to cope with heavy demands on their services.

Other key partners involved in The Security Event are the 
Cross-Sector Security and Safety Communications (CSSC) initiative and West Midlands Police, who run a number of initiatives radiating out across the region from the UKs second city, Birmingham.

Information about the work of the West Midlands’ Designing Out Crime Team and the Regional Organised Crime Unit with its Regional Cyber Crime Unit, will be available.

The Event’s purpose is to inform and educate companies and organisations that have a responsibility to deliver safer communities on the latest innovations in crime prevention.

Regional chair at the CSSC West Midlands Barrie Millett said, “Designing out crime is an intrinsic part of the successful implementation of security. Whilst there is some great work being done by organisations such as Secured by Design, there is also huge scope for manufacturers, installers, integrators, specifiers and end users to embrace this ethos and play their part.

By bringing policing and industry together to share best practice we can work together to match changes in how we live and changing patterns of criminal behaviour to build safer and stronger communities.

At a time when crime is rising and there remains a risk from terrorism, it is important that the security sector truly plays its part.”

A key feature of the Event will be a Designing Out Crime’ debate on Tuesday, 9 April at 2pm in the Security in Practice Conference Theatre within the NEC. Spaces for this session will be limited and pre-registration is essential.

With free parking for all ‘The Security Event’ visitors, great bus and rail links enabling the widest possible spread of security professionals to be brought together under one roof, this is one event you can’t afford to miss.