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CLC publishes updates focused on COVID-19 site operating procedures

07 February 2022

THE CONSTRUCTION Leadership Council is continuing to provide up-to-date documentation for industry professionals in the sector focused on working during the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, the organisation has just published updated versions of several key documents.

The documents involved are as follows:

BAFE recommends that fire safety professionals should review these documents. With recent Government restrictions having been lifted, it nevertheless remains vitally important to ensure that employees working on site, as well as their clients, remain as safe as possible.

An important part of the Site Operating Procedures document is the “close working” section (pp4-5) about ensuring that the appropriate assessment of risk and mitigation is performed (with the addition of suitable PPE such as face masks if required).

BAFE agrees with the Construction Leadership Council’s position that face coverings should continue to be worn wherever there’s a possibility of encountering people/clients that an individual would not normally meet with (as noted in previous BAFE COVID-19 updates).

On this matter, the Construction Leadership Council states: “Where workers on site are not required to wear Respiratory Protective Equipment and their workplace is crowded and enclosed (which may include welfare and changing facilities, site offices, site meeting rooms or site transport) and they come into contact with others they do not normally meet, their employer should make face coverings available and they should be worn.”

BAFE trusts that registered organisations continue to deliver safe COVID-19 working practises in parallel with the quality work provided under its third party certification/BAFE registration.

Construction Sector - Site Operating Procedures: Protecting Your Workforce During COVID-19 Version 9.1

https://www.constructionleadershipcouncil.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Site-Operating-Procedures-Version-9.1.pdf Published (27.1.2022)

The Use of Face Coverings in Construction during Coronavirus (COVID-19) Version 6 https://www.constructionleadershipcouncil.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/The-Use-of-Face-Coverings-in-Construction-during-Coronavirus-Version-6.pdf (Published 27.1.2022)

Government advice which outlines recent and any upcoming changes to all four constituent UK nations can be found on GOV.UK at https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus