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Gloucestershire opens fire service consultation

24 October 2017

GLOUCESTERSHIRE FIRE and Rescue Service (GFRS) is asking residents to take part in a consultation on the Service’s Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP).

The plan outlines how the Service will help keep people safe and provide value for money over the next three years.

Although GFRS is already one of the highest performing and lowest cost Services in the country, it needs to make sure that it remains fit for purpose against a backdrop of changing demand.

To help it achieve those targets, the service has identified three key areas for the IRMP:

  • Increased focus on prevention and protection initiatives;
  • Develop more collaboration with partners, which could include helping the ambulance service by aiding with first responder initiative; and  
  • Consider creating blue light hubs 

Although the amount of resource put into responding to emergencies has remained constant over the past 10 years, the number of incidents attended has fallen dramatically. GFRS says this is in part due to the proactive approach to protection and prevention it has taken, informed by the IRMP feedback received from public consultations.

Gloucestershire County Council cabinet member for fire, planning and infrastructure  Councillor Nigel Moor said: “We have one of the best and most efficient fire and rescue services in the country, and this is in no small part down to the excellent crews we have in Gloucestershire.

“Our priority is continuing to keep residents safe and we need our fire and rescue service to reflect what local people need now.

“I would urge people to get involved in the consultation. We want to hear their views on all aspects of the Service.”

The consultation opened on 16 October 2017 and lasts for 12 weeks. For more information and to take part in the survey visit: www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/consultfireirmp