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UK wants security partnership with EU post Brexit

12 September 2017

THE GOVERNMENT has offered to agree joint positions on foreign policy as part of a deep security partnership with the European Union (EU) after Brexit.

Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union David Davis describes the offer as a renewed demonstration of the UK’s commitment to European security. The latest future partnership paper signals the Government’s willingness to partner with the EU in the face of ever-growing global threats.

It makes clear the UK will seek to use its assets, capabilities and influence to combat the shared challenges facing the continent, which Mr Davis says include illegal migration, terrorism, cyber and state-based threats and amounts to a security partnership ‘that is deeper than any other third country and that reflects our shared interest’.

The paper lays out how Britain will want to build a new partnership with the EU that goes beyond existing third country arrangements, and reflects our shared interests and values of upholding democracy and protecting peace across Europe and the world.

David Davis said: “After we leave the European Union we will continue to face shared threats to our security, our shared values and our way of life. It’s in our mutual interest to work closely with the EU and its member states to challenge terrorism and extremism, illegal migration, cyber-crime, and conventional state-based military aggression.

“The paper highlights Britain’s world class diplomacy and defence capabilities, our leading contribution to international development, and our desire to continue to use these as part of a deep and special partnership with the EU.”