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MOD Police recognised for diverse workforce

12 July 2017

THE MINISTRY of Defence Police has been awarded a gold banding for both gender and race in the Business in the Community (BITC) Diversity Benchmark.

This is the UK’s most comprehensive benchmark for workplace gender and race diversity where organisations are assessed on a range of key areas, including:

  • Career progression;
  • Recruitment;
  • Supplier diversity; and
  • Senior management and board representation of ethnic minorities and women

The gold banding marks a significant leap in the force’s progress as they were previously awarded a Bronze banding for their 2016 submission. The benchmark measures age, gender and race workplace diversity. It is a management tool to help organisations evaluate their performance, including peer comparisons, and inform evidence-based decision-making around workplace diversity.

BITC works with organisations to ensure that age, gender, race and wellbeing do not limit an employee’s engagement and success in the workplace.

The Force’s gender champion, Deputy Chief Constable Andy Adams is delighted with the result and said: “A gold banding recognises our achievements and commitment to diversity, inclusion and wellbeing. This benchmark helps us identify what we are doing well and where we need to improve.

“Our workforce is the key to our success therefore it is critical we recruit and retain the best people. This accomplishment will support our efforts to further diversify the force and create an environment where all our staff can contribute to providing the best service.”

A spokesperson for BITC added: “Congratulations to Ministry of Defence Police on being awarded gold for both gender and race diversity. They have demonstrated a strong commitment to creating inclusive workplaces where employees are valued and rewarded for their contribution to the organisation, regardless of gender or race.

“I hope other employers will learn from their example and use it to drive real change within their own organisations.”