Home>Security>CCTV>Former Surveillance Camera Commissioner Tony Porter appointed chief privacy officer at Corsight AI
Home>Security Matters>Security Matters>Former Surveillance Camera Commissioner Tony Porter appointed chief privacy officer at Corsight AI

Former Surveillance Camera Commissioner Tony Porter appointed chief privacy officer at Corsight AI

13 January 2021

FACIAL RECOGNITION solutions provider Corsight AI has announced the appointment of former Surveillance Camera Commissioner Tony Porter QPM LLB as its chief privacy officer. Effective immediately, Porter will be responsible for ensuring the technology is not only legally compliant across international jurisdictions, but also operates to the highest ethical standards.

The move to Corsight AI – the highest NIST-ranked Western-based facial recognition company backed by over 250 patents – will see Porter put his legislative recommendations to the Home Office into practice. In essence, Porter will help Corsight AI in meeting strict governance guidelines with regard to its own solutions.

Porter was appointed Surveillance Camera Commissioner by the Home Secretary back in March 2014 following a distinguished career in the police service and the financial sector. A senior police leader with expertise in international counter-terrorism, serious and organised crime and extensive engagement with business, communities and local authority partners, Porter is widely respected nationally and internationally within both the law enforcement and intelligence communities.

A champion of facial recognition during his time at the Home Office, Porter’s move represents the next chapter of an illustrious career and is the latest coup for Corsight AI following on from the business’ impressive debut ranking following the comprehensive NIST evaluation.

“By joining Corsight AI, I firmly believe that I can help the business to change perceptions surrounding facial recognition technology and demonstrate how it can be a force for good,” explained Porter. “As part of my role, I’m keen to engage with those who are concerned about the technology’s use within society so that we can assist Corsight AI in providing the great value to society I know it can.”

Driving down false positives

Corsight AI’s facial recognition technology allows for a more comprehensive and accurate detection of identifying features, thereby driving down false positives and enhancing its accuracy for end users. In addition to real-time detection, Corsight AI also provides local law enforcement, transportation, Government agencies, airports, retail outlets, banks and more with forensic video analysis that can analyse hours of video in just minutes. Investigators receive a comprehensive summary of the person of interest’s actions and locations that can help inform next steps in any investigations.

Porter (who appeared as our guest on Episode 11 of the Security Matters Podcast) concluded: “In my view, the most important part of adoption will focus on the technology’s application and its adherence to exacting standards. More needs to be done to educate the public and dissenters about facial recognition technology’s uses and the very strict boundaries in which we ensure the technology operates. It really is a silver bullet in terms of societal benefit.”

Rob Watts, CEO at Corsight AI, responded: “Tony’s appointment is an exciting milestone for us as a company. His intelligence background and wealth of experience will ensure that we remain compliant in every jurisdiction and, more importantly, that we help our clients to apply the technology legally.”

Watts went on to state: “Privacy is at the core of Corsight AI and we’re actively demonstrating this commitment by creating this unique position for Tony within the business. I look forward to working with him to achieve great things as he looks to continue the great work he transacted during his tenure as Surveillance Camera Commissioner.”