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Diwali safety advice

05 November 2018

AS LOCAL communities prepare for Diwali Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service are reminding people to celebrate the festival safely.

Diwali is often referred to as the festival of light and Hindu, Jain and Sikh communities will decorate their homes with oil lamps or divas, candles, lights and by setting off fireworks.

With celebrations taking place from 7 November firefighters are providing some simple precautions to greatly reduce the risks.

Candle safety

  • Always use a suitable holder when burning candles

  • Keep loose clothing, hair or other fabrics away from flames

  • Children and pets should be supervised when close to candles

  • Make sure candles are put out properly before you go out

Firework safety

  • Keep fireworks out of reach from children when not being used

  • Point fireworks towards the sky not near people or objects

  • Stand well back

  • Light at arm’s length, using a taper

Cooking safety

  • Never leave cooking unattended

  • Make sure smoke alarms are fitted in your home and are in working order

  • Keep tea towels and cloths away from the cooker and hob

  • Double check the cooker is off when you’ve finished cooking

The celebrations also provide an opportunity for firefighters to issue safety advice to everyone.

Head of fire prevention Nick Evans said, “Diwali is a time for local communities to celebrate their faith and we want nothing more than to ensure this is done safely. The celebrations also provide an opportunity for us to further highlight fire safety advice to everyone across the county.

“During this period people will increase the use of candles in their homes and we want to make sure you’re aware of the dangers to prevent any fires. I would also advise people to take care when cooking or using fireworks.

“Despite this being a time of celebration there can unfortunately be an increased risk of fires but if people follow our simple precautions they can help to reduce their risk of a fire during the festival.”