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PDSC launch cyber themed months

23 January 2020

The Police Digital Security Centre is launching a series of themed months throughout 2020 to assist organisations with their cyber security.

Focusing on specific cyber security issues on a monthly basis, the PDSC will provide simple advice, blogs, videos and ‘how to’ guides to help keep people and organisations safe online.

Starting in January, the first monthly theme is ‘Out with the Old, In with the New’, focusing on what to do if you have recently purchased a new device and are thinking of either selling, exchanging or destroying your old equipment. Further information on January’s theme can be found at https://www.policedsc.com/security-advice/cyber-focus

Simon Newman, head of cyber and business services for Police Crime Prevention Initiatives, said: “At the PDSC, we firmly believe that education and awareness is the most effective way of reducing the vulnerability of small businesses to the most common types of cyber crime.

“Making a few simple changes can help prevent you from having an attack or a breach and can also help you recover more quickly should you become a victim.

“Everything we publish through the cyber themes programme is free to download and keep. It is based on Government advice too, so you can be reassured about its credibility.

“Please visit the PDSC website where there is access to all of this information and more; organisations can test their resilience through our Digitally Aware certification scheme or you can find trusted and independently assessed Digital Security Providers to meet your organisation’s cyber needs.

“You can also find out about the Breakfast Seminars, Cyber Security Clinics and practical workshops which we run to help organisations improve their security."

Further information on the PDSC’s work can be found at www.policedsc.com