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FIRE AID issues call for corporate funding as FIA affirms support for charity’s vital work

25 April 2021

THE FIRE Industry Association has outlined its wholehearted support for FIRE AID and the work transacted by the organisation. FIRE AID is a UK-based charity established back in 2014. An umbrella organisation, the premise of FIRE AID is to bring together 30 member organisations to deliver humanitarian aid to Fire and Rescue Services worldwide.

The organisation’s members have been working in this field for over 25 years and, collectively, boast a wealth of experience across 53 countries implementing humanitarian projects.

FIRE AID provides a unique database for sharing ethical and sustainable donations of fire and rescue equipment among members. UK and international Fire and Rescue Services and suppliers are able to donate perfectly useable (but decommissioned) equipment via this database, in turn saving it from being scrapped and then recycling it in a bid to save lives overseas.

All equipment donations are accompanied by expert training delivered by volunteer firefighters and medics. The aim is to facilitate the sharing of Bdest Practice, expertise, training programmes, project funding and equipment donations to form joint projects and partnerships between members.

FIR AID’s various projects actively save lives while in parallel protecting front line emergency workers. For example, in Moldova, the organisation has provided firefighters with over 1,500 sets of PPE. In the Ukraine, 12 Road Traffic Collision cutting sets saved the lives of over 96 people during 2020 alone.

Although FIRE AID delivers a wealth of projects and is well known on the national stage – for example, by dint of its relationship with the National Fire Chiefs’ Council – and in the international sphere through its membership of the UN Road Safety Collaboration, the charity has no core funding and relies on volunteers.

Mission Statement

In essence, FIRE AID is an alliance of organisations and services with a mutual interest in providing ethical and sustainable donations of fire and rescue aid and training to countries facing the greatest challenges. The main objectives of the charity are to:

*provide guidelines for the sustainable and ethical use of donations 

*work together on joint projects, share Best Practice guidance and techniques and provide a space for discussion for those working on similar projects

*highlight the work of key organisations both within the UK and internationally

*provide guidance and support to other similar organisations. 

*develop collaborative partnership working with Fire and Rescue Services. 

*nurture, host and manage a database which looks at past, current and planned development projects

*identify funding streams to assist with the delivery of international projects

*seek endorsement from such organisations who recognise the essential role played by FIRE AID as a key facilitator for international development training and equipment donations

*gain recognition, publicity and support from the UK Government and others for the donations being made by the UK to developing countries

*publicly raise core issues as deemed appropriate by members

*provide strategic advice at Government level to assist with the development of policies, strategies and legislation

FIRE AID is now seeking corporate funding support that will enable the organisation to continue its life-saving work and grow and develop in order to support the international demand for its services.

*Further information is available on the website at https://fire-aid.org/

**Watch the charity’s promotional video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BQfTsRfOeA&feature=youtu.be

***Follow FIRE AID on Twitter at https://twitter.com/FIRE_AID_UK