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ASFP set to host fire safety seminar in Scotland

10 July 2023

THE ASSOCIATION for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) is hosting a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) seminar at the University of Stirling on Wednesday 19 July with a start time of 9.00 am. Sponsored by Bolster Systems, the event brings together a range of expert ASFP and guest speakers to discuss ‘The Need for Change in Construction – Competence/Compliance/Culture’.

Seminar attendees will be welcomed to the event by the ASFP’s managing director Mike Ward and Sharon McClure, the ASFP’s vice-chair and operations director for Avesta Scotland. David O’Reilly (operations officer for the ASFP in Ireland) is then going to provide an overview of how the organisation has contributed to improving passive fire protection standards across the nation.

ASFP technical officer Dr Andrew Taylor is scheduled to deliver an update on the fire safety regulations in England before introducing guest speakers who will then focus on regulations in Scotland.

Stephen Garvin (head of the Building Standards Division for the Scottish Government) will explain the work of the Building and Fire Safety Ministerial Working Group and the Building Standards Future Board. Alan McAulay, Hud director for Building Standards, is going to provide an overview of the Building Standards Hub and its role in improving the building standards system in Scotland.

Following a break for luncheon and networking between delegates and exhibitors, the afternoon session will take the form of a panel discussion where all of the invited speakers will answer questions from the floor. This interactive session is to be live-streamed, offering the opportunity for delegates from all around the world to take part.

The day is scheduled to conclude at 2.40 pm, with in-person attendees being awarded two hours of CPD.

*Further information and booking instructions can be accessed online at https://asfp.org.uk/page/ScotlandSeminar

Sailing to victory

The ASFP held its Regatta Challenge on Wednesday 21 June, with participants setting sail from the Port Hamble Marina in Portsmouth. This annual sailing event brings together ASFP staff and members for a day of team-building. It culminates in an exhilarating race, with the teams competing for the coveted ASFP Regatta Challenge Cup.

Competition was strong at this year’s race, with a total of 12 yachts involved. The Corrosion Resistant Products yacht ultimately swept to victory. Second place went to a yacht crewed by members and guests from Consort Insurance, R Lewis, Revolutionary Systems and Remote Monitoring. A crew from Minster, DHA Firestopping and Promat took third place.

Bringing together experienced sailing veterans and beginners alike, the thrilling day began with introductions before each team of seven boarded their Oceanis 37 yacht for a morning of intensive sail training. Attendees learned the importance of teamwork as they were put through their paces by each boat’s dedicated skipper.

After luncheon on board, the yachts joined forces for the race. The day concluded back on dry land with a barbeque, whereupon the participants regaled each other with tales of their adventures on the high seas.

Open to all – including ASFP member companies, their guests and clients – each year the day affords an opportunity to improve team cohesion and efficiency.

*Information on the 2024 event is available by sending an e-mail to rich.green@asfp.org.uk

**Additional detail on the work of the ASFP can be found at https://asfp.org.uk/