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SIA launches consultation

04 October 2018

THE SECURITY Industry Authority (SIA) is launching a consultation on the revised eligibility and ‘fit and proper’ criteria requirements for private security businesses seeking approval to the Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS). The criteria have been updated as part of the fundamental review of the scheme.

A new publication ‘Get Approved’ has been produced which contains all of the eligibility criteria requirements for the ACS. We are seeking views on the new document before Friday 16 November.

Click on the link to read ‘Get Approved’ ​and click here to take part in the consultation. The changes to the ACS will take effect on 1 April 2019.

Evidence from the extensive review of the ACS suggested that we did not need to make fundamental changes to the scheme. However, it was clear from the responses there were opportunities to make improvements.

The eligibility and ‘fit and proper’ criteria has been revised to ensure only sound, sustainable and credible companies are able to join the scheme.

An enhanced scrutiny has been introduced to give clients and local enforcement partners the assurance that they are working with some of the best run businesses in the industry.

In addition we are taking a firmer approach with PAYE. Approved contractors must give justification and evidence as to why their staff are not PAYE. This will help to ensure that businesses are employing staff on the right basis, ensuring compliance with tax and employment law as well as making sure that employees of approved contractors enjoy proper employment rights.

The SIA is currently hosting a series of ACS Events that will include a briefing on some of the changes to the ACS scheme resulting from the review. Approved contractors are encouraged to participate in these events.

The events will be hosted on the following dates and locations:

Tuesday 9 October - Glasgow
Tuesday 16 October - Bristol
Tuesday 23 October - Leeds
Thursday 25 October - Birmingham
Tuesday 30 October – London
Wednesday 31 October – London 
*An event was held in Belfast on 3 October 2018. 

Please note that due to high levels of interest, the SIA is limiting individual companies to two delegates per event. To register please visit the SIA website

The findings of the review are available on the ACS Review portal: www.pyetait.com/ACSReview