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NAHFO outlines programme for 2022 National Conference

25 April 2022

FIRE SAFETY advisors, nominated officers, fire safety managers, estate managers, local authority fire safety officers, private healthcare fire safety professionals and residential care staff with responsibility for fire safety are invited to attend the 2022 National Conference organised by the National Association of Healthcare Fire Officers (NAHFO). Entitled ‘Are You Fire Safe?’, the event runs from 23-25 May at the Leonardo Royal Hotel in Southampton.

Organised by the Wessex Branch of NAHFO in conjunction with Conference Solutions, the conference is set to cover myriad topics, among them the Ocado fire in Andover, the Weybridge Hospital fire, future-proofing fire safety, avoiding the end game (concentrating on legal issues), fire strategies in the National Health Service, fire safety in healthcare premises and exterior insulation and cladding updates.

Speakers scheduled to present at conference include Angus Nairn, Iain Cox, Paul Bryant, Peter Aldridge, Steve Clancy, Mike Sutton, Neil Baugh, Ahmed Hussain, Chris Hall and Mazin Daoud.

Among the 20-plus exhibitors are LS Fire Solutions, 3ET, Apollo, Fireco, Sircle, P4 Ltd, Intastop, Advanced, Legrand and Chubb Fire & Security.

Continuing Professional Development hours will be available for all attendees courtesy of an arrangement with the Institution of Fire Engineers.

*For further information and to book delegate places send an e-mail to nahfo@conferencesolutions.uk.com