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Cyber Griffin announces free digital services to meet online working conditions

12 May 2020

THE CYBER Griffin team at the City of London Police has released a number of free digital services to meet the challenges of current working conditions. COVID-19 is impacting many areas including cyber security. The Cyber Griffin team wants individuals to be safe online and, with this in mind, has created several new services.

Home Working Videos Series

Individuals who want to know how to work securely from home are advised to check out the ‘Home Working Video Series’. These bite-size videos are full of practical examples which will take people through how to keep themselves safe online. Whether an individual or a business, these videos are a perfect starting point that can be used by the viewer to take control of their security.

National Webinar Series

For a deeper dive into a particular topic, individuals should look through the National Webinar Series on cyber security. In this series, Regional Organised Cyber Units take it in turns to present key cyber security topics, live, each week. Viewers will hear from the police and external experts as they go through a range of the most relevant, and current cyber security topics. There will also be time for Questions and Answers involving other attendees.

Cyber Griffin Digital Services

For people and businesses in the Square Mile, their local team (Cyber Griffin) has created digital versions of the services it has always provided. If end users want briefings, incident response training or work with the team on an assessment of the company's cyber capability, they should visit the website where there's a full description of each service. These services are all free and can be requested via the website.


Founded by the City of London Police back in 2017, Cyber Griffin is an initiative that's designed to support businesses and individuals in the Square Mile when it comes to protecting themselves from cyber crime.