Home>Security>Guarding>Mitie provides security services at further seven Coronavirus Regional Testing Centres
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Mitie provides security services at further seven Coronavirus Regional Testing Centres

09 July 2020

FM AND professional services business Mitie is building on its support for Britain’s efforts to combat Coronavirus by providing services for a further seven Coronavirus Regional Testing Centres based across England and Wales at Ashford, Deeside, Ebbw Vale, Gloucester, Newbury, Ramsgate and Salisbury. These sites are in addition to those located at Bournemouth, Inverness, Llandudno, Penrith and Perth.

As is the case at sites it currently supports, Mitie will be providing security services (including traffic management and lane support) and clinical waste management as well as cleaning and catering for all employees based at the Regional Testing Centres. In total, Mitie will have around 900 colleagues working across the seven sites. With testing at the heart of the NHS Test and Trace service, Mitie is playing a central role in supporting the UK’s Coronavirus recovery strategy.

The opening dates for the sites were as follows: Beehive Park and Ride in Salisbury - 30 May 2020, Hempstead Meadow in Gloucester - 5 June 2020, Deeside Industrial Park in Deeside - 10 June 2020, Victoria Road Car Park in Ashford - 12 June 2020, the Newbury Showground in Newbury - 14 June 2020, the Marine Colliery in Ebbw Vale - 30 June 2020 and Manston Airport in Ramsgate - 7 July 2020.

In addition to the Regional Testing Centres, Mitie is providing a wide range of support to help the UK overcome the Coronavirus pandemic. The company is supporting the NHS by delivering essential services at the Nightingale Hospital in London, as well as at the Ysbyty Calon y Ddraig (or Dragon’s Heart Hospital) in Cardiff and at the NHS Seacole Centre in Headley Court, Surrey.

Simon Venn, chief Government and strategy officer at Mitie, commented: “With testing at the heart of the Government’s strategy to bring the UK out of lockdown, it’s a privilege to be opening more sites to support this important task. The rapid turnaround to have these centres up-and-running demonstrates the amazing things that can be achieved when public and private sector partners work together in a truly collaborative manner.”

Asymptomatic testing pilot

Alongside publishing the weekly COVID-19 testing figures, the Department of Health and Social Care has also announced a new asymptomatic testing pilot for people in high-contact roles such as security and cleaning.

Mitie is the only FM company taking part in the pilot with other companies including Addison Lee, BT and Boots UK, as well as several local authorities, all part of the mix.

Targeted asymptomatic swab testing will take place as part of a close partnership with Government, local authorities and a number of employers, with tens of thousands of tests offered to selected groups.

There will be testing of groups identified by local authorities in Bradford, Newham, Brent and Oldham as being more vulnerable to the virus. Each business will receive thousands of tests for staff via home test delivery or a mobile testing unit, while local authorities will use capacity by booking in specific times for asymptomatic testing at their walk-through local test sites.

Those who test positive through targeted asymptomatic testing will need to self-isolate as normal and follow national guidance. Positive results will be shared with NHS Test and Trace in order to identify recent contacts, advise them to self-isolate and prevent further transmission of the virus.

Simon Venn explained: “This trial is of paramount importance to understanding more about the spread of COVID-19. Our front line heroes have worked tirelessly to keep the UK running throughout the pandemic and any initiatives which promote their Health and Safety are to be commended.”