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Advanced to present on industry hot topics at The Fire Safety Event

27 July 2021

ADVANCED WILL be taking part in the seminar programme at the 2021 edition of The Fire Safety Event, the Nineteen Group-organised show that runs at the NEC in Birmingham from 7-9 September.

Join Amanda Hope (the company’s UK fire business development manager) and Bob Bantock (heritage fire safety specialist from The National Trust) to discover recent advances in fire alarm management and innovative solutions to help managers and their teams meet the unique and complex challenges of protecting historic buildings from fire.

The ‘Protecting Historic Premises from Fire’ presentation will take place on 7 September in the Advanced-sponsored Fire Safety Theatre.

The following day, you can learn all about the BS 8629 Code of Practice and key considerations for evacuation planning in high-rise residential buildings. Presented by Ken Bullock (Advanced’s business development manager for evacuation alert systems), the session entitled ‘Evacuation Planning: Solutions for Meeting the New British Standard BS 8629’ will afford delegates guidance on meeting the latest recommendations as well as outline details of EvacGo, the evacuation alert system from Advanced that makes BS 8629 compliance a straightforward process.

In terms of the exhibition, visitors will also be able to find out more detail on Advanced’s full range of fire systems and its emergency lighting testing solution LuxIntelligent.

Stand 4/P98

*Further information is available online at www.advancedco.com